Castle of Law News

Read the Latest press release from Kayode Ajulo Castle of Law

It's a Grand Soiree as the 11th Mayegun Aare Ona'Kakanfo Dr Olukayode Abraham Ajulo, OON. SAN. to celebrate to celebrate his recent confirment with the prestigious rank of SENIOR ADVOCATE OF NIGERIA ( SAN )

It's a Grand Soiree as the 11th Mayegun Aare Ona'Kakanfo Dr Olukayode Abraham Ajulo, OON. SAN. to celebrate to celebrate his recent confirment with the prestigious rank of SENIOR ADVOCATE OF NIGERIA ( SAN )

Join us to clebrate the monumental landmark for the Castle of Law when It's Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director the legal extraordinaire and 11th Mayegun Aare Ona'Kakanfo Dr Olukayode Abraham Ajulo, OON. SAN on his recent confirment with the prestigious rank of SENIOR ADVOCATE OF NIGERIA ( SAN ). A well deserved and overdue mark of recognition to his outstanding services in the Nigerian Legal Practice.